fourth of july

Pictures from July 4th, courtesy of my iPhone.

(1) Yummy BBQ.  (2) Benaiah with his Spiderman sunglasses.

(3)  Family & close family friends over my house.  (4)  The boys trying to lift BoJacob using only their fingers (don't ask but I swear, they try this at every BBQ).

(5)  July 4th is also my uncle's birthday so naturally, we had three cakes.  (6) My god-daughter who I hadn't seen in months.  She's getting so big! 

(7)  RJ, Jason, Benaiah & Kuya Beau  (8) Looking up at the clear blue skies (yes, that is my house).

Not pictured: Grabbing coffee with Carina and Loren first thing in the morning and shopping.  Even though we only hung out for a couple hours, it was a great way to start off the day :) 

Anyway, hope everyone enjoyed their random day off!! 

with love,
