Le Taste of France Show

On Saturday, Loren and I attended the Taste of France food festival in NYC (Carina, wish you could've made it!) and it was ah-mazing. For two hours, I almost felt like I was in Paris.  I was surrounded by so many French-speaking people (I was half-tempted to say "Bon jour!") and all the delicious food I remembered.  It was a nice escape for the day. 

(1&2) Short rib bourguigon. I usually don't eat short ribs but I finished my entire plate. It was that good! 

(3) Meet Bruno, the cute French bulldog I got a kiss from. (4) Mariannes, which we used to pay for everything.

(5) Lots & lots of wine    (6)  Pistachio and caramel Canelés

(7)  I have no idea what this is called but it was next to the crepes and so very yummy.  (8)  Mini opera pastry from Financier Patisserie

(9) Macarons! Currently my favorite little pastry.  (10) Me and Loren! 

I will definitely be attending more food festival in the future.. especially the French one, if they decide to do this again! 
with love,


1 comment

  1. This looks AMAZING. And I'm totally jealous of all the food that you got to sample that day!
