Red Velvet Addiction

Between the three birthday parties I attended this past weekend, getting sucked into the Lux series by Jennifer L. Armentrout and feeling lazy this morning, I completely forgot to set up a post for today. But just as I was thinking that I'd go post-free, I had an idea. In case you didn't know, I love red velvet. My two favorite red velvet goodies include my cupcakes (a little conceited sounding but true!) and Ben & Jerry's red velvet ice cream. Then yesterday, Estelle sent me a link for a red velvet scones recipe (which looks amazing) and it reminded me of all the red velvet recipes I want to try and have already tried. I actually have a pinterest board dedicated to my obsession. Anyway, I thought it would be fun to share some part of my list with you:

1. Red Velvet Cupcakes
This is my number one go-to recipe for any family function. Everyone loves it and usually if I try to make anything else, they ask me where the red velvet cupcakes are. They make it really difficult for me to try anything new.

2. Red Velvet Cheesecake Brownies
I love cheesecake and I love brownies so I knew I had to try this one. I've only made this once or twice but the results were pretty good.
Credit: SomethingSwanky

3. Red Velvet Scones
I think I've had a scone maybe once before. So I'm not entirely sure what it's supposed to taste like. My guess is a muffin but these look delicious.

4. Red Velvet hot cocoa 
I'm not a big hot chocolate fan (I love my coffee) but I wanted to try this anyway. Even though it wasn't my favorite recipe, I did end up liking it.

5. Red Velvet cookies
I can't find the cookie recipe I originally used but this one is pretty close. The cookies were a hit with my family and I was surprised by how well they turned out since my cookie recipe experiments aren't always successful (and don't even get me started on trying to make macarons).

Credit: Duhlicious
6. Red Velvet crepes
I love crepes so I definitely want to try this at some point. I've never made crepes before it seems simple enough? (Maybe not.)

If you have any other red velvet recipes you'd like to share or if you decide to try any of the ones I've recommended, I'd love to hear about it! :)

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with love,



  1. Scones are sort of hard but soft? I made some last year and they were really yummy!

  2. YAY FOR RED VELVET! I love red velvet too. It's AMAZING.

  3. I love Red Velvet--one of my favorite flavors! The icing that normally used with red velvet(I think it's cream cheese or buttercream instead of regular? Not sure) is the *ONLY* cake/cupcake icing I like besides lemon, which makes red velvet an instant win in my book. Red velvet scones sound delicious--they're pretty muffin-like in taste, but much firmer--kind of more like a sweet biscuit.
