January Recap

It feels like the month of January both flew by and dragged on at the same time. I started off my new year so pumped for change but I think I was just feeling giddy from being on vacation for two weeks. Then it was back to reality and I have to admit, I started to feel like I was stuck in a rut (again). But on the upside, I read and reviewed a lot of great books (lots of loves in this recap), got my New York Public Library card and have spent most of my weekends celebrating birthdays and hanging out with friends. It's been a good month. 

with love,



  1. I'm happy for you that there were a lot of book loves this month! There are definitely some wonderful titles on there :)

    Also, we're both getting out of our ruts soon. I BELIEVE THIS FOR US.

  2. YAY! I loved the Unearthly series so much and I'm so glad you did, too. Sounds like you had a pretty successful reading month! Hoping that this month is even better :)

  3. I keep coming across third star reviews of Dualed and I'm kind of disappointed as I was really looking forward to the book. I hope I like it. I'm really pumped for Just One Day.

    I also need to get out of the rut I'm in. Sigh.
